Student Capstone Project

Original Research: A Study of the Sleep Health of Laurel Students

Sophie Gellis '24
Mentor: Grace Willer, Ph.D., Director of Learning Strategies, Laurel School
Faculty Support: Tori Cordiano, Ph.D., Director of Research, Laurel Center for Research On Girls
Summary:  For my Capstone project, I focused on sleep deprivation in adolescent girls. 

This work stems from a personal interest in health and wellness, particularly how they relate to sleep. Throughout my research, I read empirical studies, scientific books, and scholarly articles about teenagers and their sleep patterns. I found that sleep is critical in ensuring that students achieve at high productivity levels and can remain focused throughout the busy school week.

After an in-depth literature review, I conducted research to determine how sleep impacted my school community. I wrote and administered a study to close to 200 Upper School students at Laurel. After running statistical tests and analysis, I found that my research was significant in supporting my original hypothesis: lack of sleep is detrimental to adolescent's health. I produced a white paper that discussed the results of my study in depth. I intend to use my paper to continue my studies and to help educate other schools about the detrimental effects of lack of sleep. I hope that my research will enlighten and inform people about adequate sleep and how it significantly impacts adolescents. 
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    • Sophie Gellis '24

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