
Connecting Alumnae

Alumnae Board

What is it?
The Alumnae Board is the governing body of the Laurel School Alumnae Association.* Guided by the enterprise goal to increase alumnae engagement, both locally and throughout the world, the Alumnae Board aims to increase opportunities to connect alumnae to each other and with the School, to promote their roles as Laurel ambassadors in the broader community, and to sustain strong leaders.

Much of the work of the Alumnae Board is done through committees and councils, which welcome non-board member volunteers. Alumnae Board members and committee and council details can be found on the Alumnae Board page.

How do I join?
If you would like to be considered for Board membership or to volunteer on a Board committee, please email

*Any woman who has attended Laurel School for at least one academic year is a member of the Association following graduation of the class in which she was a member.


What is it?
LinkedIn is an online professional networking platform that consists of hundreds of millions of individual and group members. Laurel School has an official LinkedIn page that you can follow for updates on the School, and there is also a Laurel School Alumnae group that alums can join to post and share their own content with members.

How do I engage?
Follow Laurel School's LinkedIn page.
Join our private LinkedIn Group for Alumnae.
  • Your membership in the group requires confirmation and approval by the administrator. Your patience is appreciated!
Please help populate the See Alumnae feature on Laurel's LinkedIn page, by adding or confirming Laurel in your LinkedIn educational profile.
  • Simply go to your profile and add Laurel School to your educational history by choosing "Laurel School" (green square icon) from the drop-down menu.
  • If you already have "Laurel School" in your profile, please double check to make sure it is the one with the green square icon.
LinkedIn: Select Laurel School

To follow and participate in LinkedIn, you must have a personal LinkedIn account.


What is it?
Facebook is a social media and networking service that allows users to post comments, share photographs and videos and post links to news or other web content.

Laurel School has an official Facebook page that you can follow for updates on the School. There is also a private Laurel School Alumnae Facebook group that alums can join to post and share their own content exclusively with alumna-members.

How do I engage?
Follow Laurel School's Facebook Page
Join our private Facebook group for Alumnae
  • Your membership in the group will require confirmation and approval by the administrator. Please allow time for membership approval. Thank you.
To follow and participate in Facebook, you must have a personal Facebook account.


What is it?
Instagram is a social media platform that emphasizes photo and video sharing.  Both Laurel School and Laurel Alumnae have Instagram accounts that you can follow to keep up on current Laurel news and enjoy alumnae updates and spotlights.

How do I engage?
Laurel's Instagram: @LaurelSchool
Laurel's Instagram for Alumnae: @LaurelAlumnae

To follow and participate in Instagram, you must have a personal Instagram account.

Alumnae Directory

What is it?
The online Alumnae Directory is a listing of Laurel's alumnae community. It allows alums to find contact information (address, phone number and email) to connect with classmates and friends.
  • Filter and search by class year and geographic location.
  • Select the privacy level of each data point in your profile, if you choose.
  • Alumnae may opt-out entirely to keep their information private.
How do I sign up?
Visit myLaurel and click “first time logging in.” Enter your email address, checking that you would like a username and password, and hit send. You will then receive an email with your username and a link to set a password. Please note that the email you enter must be the one that Laurel has on file for you.
myLaurel First-Time Login image with red arrow pointing to lower left corner
Where is the online directory?
Registered users can bookmark the link to the Online Alumnae Directory or click the "myLaurel" button on any page.

Update Your Information

Why update?
We contact and connect with Laurel Alumnae both digitally and in print. Your efforts to keep us informed of street and email address changes allow us to reach you without interruption. Update your information today!

Why ask about business and education?
Our ability to identify potential mentors, panel members, helpers and friends is strengthened by what you choose to share with us. Sharing your work information and education history can potentially assist alumnae and current students. How? Here are a few examples:
  • A Laurel class studying a particular subject would like to Zoom with an alumna guest speaker with real-world expertise in that area.
  • A student group traveling seeks both professional and community perspectives through visits to businesses as well as group luncheons and dinners. 
  • A Laurel student interested in a college asks to speak with alumnae who have attended that school.
  • A college student exploring internships asks to be connected with alumnae currently working in that field.
  • An alumna moving to a new city seeks trusted recommendations, advice and friendship from those living there.
Laurel’s Alumnae Office always respects your privacy. We never provide your contact information to anyone outside of the Laurel community. If you would not like your contact information shared with anyone, even within the Laurel community, please let us know at
© 2025 Laurel School. All Rights Reserved.