Academics & Arts
Upper School (Grades 9-12)
The Capstone Scholars Program
Capstone Student Showcase

Biomedical Engineering: An Assistive Device for Quadriplegics

Vanessa Sheppard ‘25
Mentors: Blake Perkins PT, DPT, ATP, Bryn Spiker, CWRU graduate student
Faculty Support: Karen Redmond
Summary: For my Capstone project, I created a voice-activated robotic arm to assist people with spinal cord injuries. 
When I first entered the Capstone Scholars program, I initially thought I wanted to write a psychological thriller. I initially began to research in the field of psychology in order to learn background information before I began writing. I read numerous books and articles about psychology as well as human behavior and various mental health conditions.

During my research, I became especially interested in how the brain works. This led me to explore the field of neuroscience. I took an online Case Western Reserve neuroscience course for high school students. I did additional research by turning to the work of Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., and Mayim Bialik, two well-known experts in the field. 

Although I was still interested in neuroscience, I wanted to do something more hands-on and interactive with patients. I reached out to physical therapists to learn more about that career path and field. My work with these physical therapists inspired me to learn more about biomedical engineering and spinal cord injuries. I contacted a professor at Case Western Reserve University and observed work with a quadriplegic patient in a biomedical engineering lab. I spoke with the patient about some of his daily struggles, and this inspired me to create my final project.

My final project is a voice-activated robotic arm that enables people with spinal cord injuries to independently move and lift objects. One of the most important outcomes of my Capstone experience was that I was able to find something I am genuinely passionate about that combines all of my interests and talents. In the process of creating this device, I was able to use my analytical, creative, and problem-solving skills.
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