Admissions Events Calendar

Ella Witalec ‘25 Finished in Top 6 in Nation in US Extemporaneous Speaking

Congratulations to Laurel’s Speech and Debate team on their performance at the 2024 National Speech and Debate Tournament! Ella Witalec ‘25 placed 6th in the nation in US Extemporaneous Speaking, Kaitlyn Ernst ‘24 finished in the top 33 Lincoln-Douglas debaters, and Laurel was recognized as a National Speech School of Honor!

This was also the second year Kate Tracanna ‘26 qualified for the tournament and Hannah Rosenfeld ‘27, who qualified as a Ninth Grader!

Ella, who is Laurel's first-ever national finalist, is guaranteed a spot at next year’s Nationals where she will compete for her third and final year at the highest level of competition. What a way to end the season!
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